Monday, 31 December 2012

Hello 2013!!
This Blog post will be a little different, it will not contain any cosmetics or fashion tips but it will contain what I believe is a great little find  .........for myself anyway. I apologise in advance if I come across as being a little self absorbed genuinely that is not my intention. My true intention is to attempt to offer an alternative view on approaching this New Year. My intention is to evoke a little positivity in to life, even if that positivity only reaches me.
As we approach the final few hours of this year millions of people worldwide are no doubt contemplating all the tasks, promises to one self and resolutions they will make and hope to achieve. Rightly so! Out with old and in with the new is often refreshing and motivating. However for me this new-year I am aiming to follow a little different path! Instead of pointing out all the ways I strayed from the intended paths of 2012 (of which there many a time believe me) and listing off all the things I am going to do correct and improve myself, I going to look in the mirror and tell myself well done girl well done, you got this far and your still standing and you done ok!!!!!! 

You see 2012 was a tough one, so tough. It brought with it situations which conjured up every conceivable emotion known to man in me and unfortunately the negative out shone the positive. Days came where the energy or the will to do what had to be done just did not arrive. Hurdle after hurdle, fear after fear and one obstacle after another.
I had to learn to live without one of the most important people in the world to me, I had to face a long standing health fear, I had to accept certain people would not be in my life anymore and I had to essentially do a lot of growing up fast as I realised people and life do disappoint you no matter how you try to avoid this realisation. Despite this I am here and survived and am hopeful for tomorrow and all it could bring.
Every day without my mother is a day too many but I know she has looked over me and helped me. I know she is far but also near and I know she equipped me with the skill to be a “strong little thing” (those being her words). I can hear her words of advice about my job "what is for u won't pass u" advice that we can apply to all aspects of life really. This past year has been lonely, hard and dull without her but in my heart she is always alive and by my side. Loss is something I honestly don't believe we are meant to understand or accept we just merely get used to.

For these reasons I say to myself not a new me for 2013 the old me is not too bad! How about an even stronger version of me because this old me aren’t too bad! Let’s do this, let’s take the New Year and be hopeful of all it may bring, let's embrace the new adventures and keep a smile on that face. We got this far!!! You have taken a lot; it is not time for things to get better. Hope is always there.

So for anyone out there who is intent on changing themselves or being a new you just take a minute and remember just how good at being u you really are. This is my wish for myself and for all around Me

Happy New Year, may it be all you could hope for.

Bliain Sláintiúil agus Sona Nua xxx 


  1. Hey Judith, I am so so sorry to hear about your Mom, I simply cannot imagine what you have been through and I hope that every day gets easier for you to deal with your loss :') Chin up and keep smiling!! I found 2012 tough as well but I had different problems going on and none to the same extent so I'm so glad the new year has arrived!! Have a fantastic year with many happy times because that is what you deserve xxx

  2. Thank you so so much for your comment and your kind words. I genuinely appreciate that. I am sorry to hear you had a hard 2012 also, despite the fact that your problems may have been of a different nature that does not make them any less hard or painful so I am hoping all gets better for you too. Here is hoping 2013 brings us both smiles and laughter, as you said that is what we deserve. Again thank you.
